The Seed We are Planting is LOVE

A Personal Account
By Sarah Pirtle

What we’re breathing is love.
What we’ve made of is love.

Love is what we were about when we came together singing this song in the blustery snow on December 22, 2012. We came together, connected with people all over the world, to engage with the wide transformations afoot at this long-time prophesized Solstice. According to Jose Arguelles, the Maya engaged deeply with the galactic mind and created a powerful and precise calendar which pointed out the end of one 5,121 year era and the beginning the 5th Sun on December 21, 2012. Throughout this three-day portal Satyena held space for ceremony with clarity and integrity in such a way that she gave room for each person to make their own discoveries and build knowledge together. There was no other place I wanted to be.

A dozen of us experienced the full stretch of three days that began with calling in spiritual guidance and forming the seed in the Phoenix Cathedral the first night. Numbers widened to about thirty people present for at least a segment, like a tag-team keeping a flame going. Here are a few snapshots so that the large community of people who are nourished by the steady flame of Starseed can feel included in what transpired. The intention was that this gathering marked a culmination of twenty-five years of preparation for this crossing-over point.

The first night we experienced a guided presentation about the astronomy of the Earth crossing into a new planetary relationship to the Milky Way galaxy, which the Maya people had calculated. Using creative movement, we moved from the initial flaring forth of the Universe, through the transformations which are still alive in us today. The moment that we were focusing upon the DNA in our cells opening to new growth, outside a shower of sleet began tapping the metal roof, ushering in a wave of synchronicity.

The next morning, awakened by drum and song,  we gathered together in the meditation room at 6:11 am for the long awaited Winter Solstice 2012 moment. We lit candles and moved into the next dimension of love, as wave after wave of energy and connection with all beings flowed through us. Workshops throughout the day included yoga honoring the chakras, body blessing, and sensing how to acknowledge the potential of a golden orb like a halo around our head. On the third day we lit candles with our new intentions. Then we walked to the rose cairn in the Medicine Wheel and breathed our intentions into rocks Satyena had gathered at the ocean in the fall. As we added new stones, anointed by rose oil, the cairn grew. Finally we walked to the copper pyramid structure, that was installed at the Harmonic Convergence in 1987, to connect the newest and oldest places in the medicine wheel, and here we anchored the impulse of the new era. The star seed has been planted!

Deborah Lord led an important piece about the growth of the mid-line. We learned that when we are in embryo form; after fourteen days, the growing self creates a primitive streak of cells. We recapitulated that pre-birth process, sensing — I rest in all that has been and let it melt. I begin again in a new embryo, and I find the midline that I created back in the womb.

We felt the fruition of the wholesome intentions that Starseed has been holding an incubating for these twenty-five years. With laughter, with camaraderie, with new insights, we stepped consciously into a new era, a new baktun according to the Maya, a new opportunity for quickening inside us what it means to embody the force of love.

About Starseed Sanctuary Team

Starseed is an interfaith healing sanctuary, holistic retreat center, and developing intentional community dedicated to personal and planetary transformation. Located in the hills of the northern Berkshires on 130 acres of fields, forests and wetlands, Starseed serves as a spiritual center and energy anchor for personal and planetary transformation. People come here to connect with Spirit, the Land, their inner Self and other Kindred Spirits.
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