People thrive in sanctuary

People thrive in sanctuary because it nourishes every part of our being!  It is a place of beauty and peace where we can hear our inner voice and re-connect to our life purpose.  2012 is an auspicious time in our journey on Earth as we emerge into a new way of being – with each other, with the Earth, and with the Divine.  Starseed has been preparing for this emergence for 26 years and is ready to be a catalyst to usher forth these new energies which is the fulfillment of Starseed’s purpose. We  are all aware that there is a Great Shift unfolding and that the huge leap that humanity is called to will take all of us. We can’t do this as individuals; we need to bring our individual pieces into the whole.  Starseed is a place where we come together collectively to create the transformation that will bring about the Shift.

About Starseed Sanctuary Team

Starseed is an interfaith healing sanctuary, holistic retreat center, and developing intentional community dedicated to personal and planetary transformation. Located in the hills of the northern Berkshires on 130 acres of fields, forests and wetlands, Starseed serves as a spiritual center and energy anchor for personal and planetary transformation. People come here to connect with Spirit, the Land, their inner Self and other Kindred Spirits.
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